...1 Tbsp. Almond Paste
1 Tbsp. Cashew Paste
1-1/2 tsp. Pistachio Paste
1 Tbsp. Malai (skim off boiled milk)
1 Tbsp. Wheat Germ Oil
1 Tbsp. Rose Water
1/4 cup Red Lentil paste
Chickpea flour (to thicken)
Grind the nuts in a blender on high until pulverized, then add remaining ingredients. Use as a facial massage. Let dry then wash it off. Pat face dry with a clean towel.
...1 Tbsp. Almond Paste
1 Tbsp. Cashew Paste
1-1/2 tsp. Pistachio Paste
1 Tbsp. Malai (skim off boiled milk)
1 Tbsp. Wheat Germ Oil
1 Tbsp. Rose Water
1/4 cup Red Lentil paste
Chickpea flour (to thicken)
Grind the nuts in a blender on high until pulverized, then add remaining ingredients. Use as a facial massage. Let dry then wash it off. Pat face dry with a clean towel.
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